Our Annual Retreats | Gallery
The South Florida Lay Cistercian group at the 1998 retreat

The South Florida Lay Cistercian group at the 2009 retreat

View Highlights From Our Most Recent Retreat April 2019 Annual Lay Cistercians Retreat
If you would like to join us for our next annual retreat then please reach out to us here. You can email us, fill out a form, or call our phone number. We welcome guests to join us in prayer and grow closer to God through our community. We are Lay Cistercians of South Florida.
Sister Lillian Shank

Dom Francis Michael Stiteler and Fr. Anthony Delisi

2019 IALCC Regional Encouter-Gethsemani
- Thomas Merton's Gravesite
- The Group Hard At Work
- Gethsemani Abbey
- Florida Representatives
- 2019 IALCC Regional
2019 Annual Lay Cistercians Statewide Gathering
- Our Lady Undoer of Knots members from Orlando.
- Noelia enjoying our potluck!
- Sacred Heart members from Delray Beach.
- What a great potluck!
- Listening to Br. Cassian.
- Skyping with Br. Cassian Russell, OCSO from the Holy Spirit Monastery.
- Sister Lillian Shank, OCSO, Trappistine Hermitess.
2018 Brs. Cassian & Peter Damien’s Ordination to the Diaconate
- Bless our new deacons!
- Br. Cassian with Dan and Susan
- Dom Augustine
- Jacki Richlicki proclaiming the Second Reading
- Jacki, a Lay Cistercian founder
- Lay Cistercians celebrating at the reception in the Chapter Room
- Taking their vows
- The Brothers approaching the bishop for the Sacrament
- The Processional
2018 New Chapel at Honey Creek
- Behind the new chapel at honey creek
- Inside the new chapel at honey creek
- Outside new chapel at honey creek
2017 Dr. Stephen Batthany Lifetime Promises
- Our Council
- Dr. Steve
- Dr. Steve signing his Lifetime Promise
- Community prayer
2016 Fall Conference with Jacki Richlicki at St. Jude
- Reminiscing about Fr. Anthony Delisi, a founder of Lay Cistercians in the US
- Ready for the conference
- Listening
- Jacki_s wise words
- Jacki Richlicki, a founder of the 1st Lay Cistercian community in the US
- Beautiful Lay Cistercian wisdom
2016 Fall International Lay Cistercian Regional Meeting
- Representatives from Holy Spirit Monastery and St. Mary_s Abbey
- Our work
- Our English Language IALCC Council Members
- Meals in the Retreat House refectory
- Fr. Anthony Delisis_ gravesite
- Enjoying our work
2016 Spring Lifetime Promises at Holy Spirit Monastery
- Blessing by Fr. Anthony
- Claudia, Susan, Tim waiting to make Lifetime Promises
- Garden outside retreat house
- Jim, Fr. Anthony, Br. Cassian
- Making annual promise
- Making Lifetime Promise
- Signing Lifetime Promise
- So. Fl. Lay Cistercian Retreat attendees
2010 Lay Cistercian Annual Retreat
- The Monastery Cemetery
- Ceil and Her Husband Bill
- The Monks Offer Their Wisdom
- An Inner Courtyard At The Monastery
- 2010 Retreat Group Photo
- Attending A Promise Ceremony
- Posing With Friendly Monks
- A New Lay Cistercian