Lay Cistercian Formation Program

What are the requirements necessary to become a Lay Cistercian?
When Fr. Anthony asked a man “Why don’t you become a Lay Cistercian?” he answered that he was not holy enough to become one. Fr. Anthony replied in his gruff voice “What do you mean? The only thing you need to be is a sinner!” To that the man replied that he was pretty sure he had that box checked off.
Formation Education and Process
Formation to Cistercian life has for its purpose the restoration of the Divine likeness in the Brothers and Sisters through the workings of the Holy Spirit aided by the maternal care of the Mother of God. The Brothers and Sisters so advance in the monastic life that they progressively attain the full measure of the stature of Christ. (C.C. 45 #1).
1. The South Florida Lay Cistercians follow the five-year Education Program formulated by Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery Cistercian Affiliates
2. We heed the precepts of the Rule by “arranging everything so that the strong have something to yearn for and the weak nothing to run from” (RB C 64:19).
1. Observership
Each Observer will be interviewed by the Council. They will attend approximately five meetings apart from the monthly community meeting. They will also attend the yearly retreat at Holy Spirit Monastery
The Sessions Cover the Following Topics:
*Founding of Citeaux and the lives of the founders: Robert, Alberic and Stephen
*The Cistercian Evangelists: Bernard, William of St. Thierry, Guerric, Aelred
*The Rule of St. Benedict
*Cistercian values (Lectio Divina, Liturgy, etc.) from the Constitutions, Guidelines, and Rule of St. Benedict
*History of the Lay Cistercians.
The purpose of the observer classes is to teach Cistercian spirituality, to develop a more contemplative dimension, to give basic information so that the person, together with the observer coordinator, can discern if God is calling him/her to this spirituality. Each observer is encouraged to meet privately with the Council members throughout the observer process. If the Council then approves, the observer may proceed to the Formation Program. When the Observer enters Formation, a short ceremony is held. The Rule of Saint Benedict and the life of Saint Benedict are given to the new novice.
1. Year I/Year II Formation – This is a two year sequential program, requiring monthly attendance.
a. First Year Novice: “The Cistercian Way” by Andre Louf
b. Second Year Novice: “The Rule of St. Benedict”
Attendance is extremely important. It shows commitment to formation in the charism and stability in the community. The novice must ask the Formation Director for a makeup assignment for any missed meeting.
2. Juniorate – This is a three year non-sequential program
Junior 1: “Monastic Practices” By Fr. Charles Cummings
Junior 2: Foundational Texts of the Order: The Charter of Charity, Exordium Parvum, Exordium Cisterii
Junior 3: Cistercians Fathers and Mothers
After the two year Novice formation process, the Lay Cistercian may make a simple Promise that is binding for one year and renewable annually. After three one year renewals, the Lay Cistercian may request the approval of the Council to make a lifetime commitment. The lifetime commitment should be our goal. These promises are made at the Monastery.
3. Seniors
These are those members who have made Lifetime Promises. They participate in ongoing educational study groups. Topics/books for discussion are chosen by the Professed community.
4. Inactive members
Are those who have completed the Observership program and some of the Formation meetings but because of various reasons are unable to attend monthly meetings. They will still remain a part of the group and may attend any morning meetings, but they lose their right to vote and to hold any positions of responsibility; they cannot make Promises until they are able to attend formation meetings regularly.
5. Auxiliary members
Are those who have made three Promises, even Lifetime Promises, and are unable to attend monthly meetings due to illness, relocation, etc.. We keep in touch through our monthly minutes, newsletters, website, and Facebook. These contacts with the Auxiliary members are an important priority to us. They are welcomed to meetings at any time.
From So. Florida Lay Cistercian Statutes 2018