Catholic Prayers for Job Seekers

Published November 21st, 2019
For every challenge we may face in life, prayers are one way for us to overcome it. Whether you are seeking a financial breakthrough or in need of encouragement, a prayer can always uplift us whenever we feel hopeless.
If you are a job seeker or in need of guidance for your job interview, these prayers for employment can help you out in whatever situation you currently have.
A Prayer To Find Employment
Dear God,
Be with me today in finding employment.
Lead me to work that I love, and that has value.
Guide me to a place with an atmosphere of respect and cooperation.
Lead me to a safe and happy environment.
Oh Lord, help me find work that can fulfill me mentally and financially.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
A Prayer For Job Those Who Have Lost Their Jobs
Lord, I am coming to you today with a heavy heart,
filled with regret over the past,
and anxiety for the future.
I am out of work, and my finances are in trouble.
I have made many mistakes.
Help me to forgive myself and others, so that I may make amends with all concerned.
Grant me peace of mind,
so I can fill my life with your goodness and grace.
Guide me towards a good job where I may fulfill my needs as a better and wiser person.
Thank you, Lord, for listening to me and helping me today.
Thank you for reminding me that you are always there to help me,
as you are right at this moment.
A Prayer For Those Who Are Uncertain About The Work They Are In
Heavenly Father,
I feel confused about life at the moment.
I am not sure if I’m in the right place.
Thank You that wherever I am, You have gone before.
Enlighten me if I am in the right place.
Help me to realize if I have to stay in this place.
Bring peace and laughter if this is the right work for me.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

A Prayer For Those Who Can’t Find A Job
Dear Lord,
You wanted all who are weary to come to You for support.
Lord, I am worn out by my inability to find a wage-earning job.
Day after day, my worries and fears grow as the rejections of my applications mount.
I am able and willing to work, but I cannot find a good job.
Please help me to get one soon so that I can decently support myself and my family.
However, if it is your will that I wait for longer, help me to worry less and be able to take advantage of the time available to get closer to You.
Let me realize that there are other ways to bring to Your kingdom on Earth besides salaried work.
Help me to make use of them for the time being so that I may continue to grow as a person for Your greater glory.
A Prayer For Those Job Seekers Asking For Patience
Gracious and loving God,
You know our need for meaningful work.
Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us who are searching for employment.
Help us recognize the gifts and talents. You have given us.
Deepen our desire to follow Your will.
Inspire us as we contact potential employers.
Give us patience as we wait for responses.
Shelter us from the feeling of rejections.
Protect us from discouragement, oh Lord.
Give us the courage to overcome fear.
Shower us the graces we need to preserve.
Let this time of searching become an opportunity for us to grow in faith, cultivate the virtue of hope, and experience Your healing love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
A Prayer For A Great Job Interview
Dear Lord,
I bow before You, begging for Your guidance in my job interview.
I pray for Your protection and covering over me with Your blood.
I pray that when I walk through that door, they will see Your light shining in me.
I pray that there will be no doubts in their mind that I am the desired person for the job.
They will only see decency and ambition, honesty and integrity, and determination and perseverance in me.
Help me, oh Lord, so I will speak as you lead, and nothing shall be on my own.
Let my conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt so that I will know how to answer everyone.
Help me to say the right things at the right time, pleasing you in every way.
Lord, I pray that my appearance, speech, attitude, and behavior be in a manner of humbleness and not greed.
Guide my steps today, Lord, as I prepare for this interview.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.