7 Inspirational Catholic Saints for Kids to Emulate

Published January 11, 2023
For Catholics, saints are people who are worthy of emulation. Through their life and works, they have shown us how to be a good disciple of Christ. So if you’re looking for a role model for your kid, saints should be at the top of your list.
With that, here are some of the most inspirational Catholic saints for kids to look up to as role models.
1. St. Therese of Lisieux
With her shy smile and calm demeanor, you wouldn’t think that this young woman had a will of steel. Yet, she did not allow anyone to hinder her dream of serving God. She even went to the Pope herself and begged him to let her enter the Carmelite order!
But what really set St.Therese of Lisieux apart from all the other saints is her constant pursuit of holiness in ordinary life. She never did great works, founded a religious order, or even went on a mission. Her faith is founded in humility and the little everyday sacrifices and good deeds that often went unrecognized.
With these, she proved to us that even the most mundane of actions can be a way of praising God.
2. St. Nicholas of Myra
Almost every kid in the world knows who Santa Claus is. But what many people don’t realize is that the red-cloaked and bearded Christmas figure was based on a real person – St. Nicholas of Myra.
Unlike his more popular counterpart, nothing much is known about this 4th-century bishop. But his reputation for generosity and kindness made him a legend, even centuries after his death.
According to tradition, he once gave a bag of gold to a poor man to use as dowry for his daughter who would have otherwise been forced into prostitution. He threw the gold from his carriage, and it landed on the family’s shoes which were drying by the fire.
It is said that because of this incident, children would start leaving their shoes or stockings in the fireplace in hopes of receiving a gift from him.

3. St. Catherine of Bologna
As the patron saint of artists, St. Catherine of Bologna would make a great role model for kids with creative inclinations.
As the daughter of an aristocratic family, St. Catherine was well-educated. But she especially excelled in the arts and would paint several masterpieces throughout her life. She even illustrated her own prayer book.
More than just an artist, St. Catherine was also known for her piety and miraculous experiences.
4. St. Teresa of Calcutta
As the modern icon of charity, almost all of us are familiar with Mother Teresa is. Well, except for the youngsters, I guess.
In the 80’s, a frail old woman from Calcutta made waves around the world and became known as “the living saint”. Her message was simple: if you love others, you must be willing to serve them. And she did not just tell the world how to do it. Rather, she showed us how to do it.
Leaving behind a life of privilege, Mother Teresa served the poorest of the poor in one of India’s biggest slums. She helped widows, orphans, sick people – generally anyone that society considers a burden. She even established a hospice for people with AIDS, who back then were constantly discriminated against.
Her heart for the poor and her passion for charity make her one of the most inspiring saints that your child can look up to.
5. St. Benedict Joseph Labre
If there’s one thing that children can learn from St. Benedict Joseph Labre, it’s that no matter how little we have, we can always share it with others.
Though he was born to well-off parents, St. Benedict chose the life of a mendicant-pilgrim. He traveled to different shrines on foot and lived off of what he made from begging. But even with this, he is known to share what little he receives with others. Many of us can definitely learn a thing or two from him.
6. St. Francis of Assisi
I’d like to think of St. Francis of Assisi as the original tree-hugger. Throughout his life, he has always had a deep respect for the environment and animals. In his Canticle of the Sun, he even referred to the sun as “brother sun” and the moon as “sister moon”.
Because of his love for all creatures, it has become customary for churches to bless animals on his feast day. He also founded the Franciscan Order, a Catholic religious order that lives on the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
So if you’re little one is a budding eco-warrior, St. Francis of Assissi would make an ideal role model.
7. St. Joan of Arc
At a time when women were relegated to domestic duties, Joan of Arc was leading armies. And she was only seventeen years old!
It’s no wonder why many people refer to her as the original feminist. Her courage and bravery allowed her to transcend gender roles. Even her enemies were in awe of her. So much so that they decided to burn her at the stake after a joke of a trial.
But even in death, Joan still has the last laugh. A few years after her death, she was declared a martyr. Centuries later, she was canonized and declared the patron saint of France.
Her story might have some dark aspects to it (ie, being burned at the stake) but there is no doubt that she was a trailblazer. She proved to everyone that women can be whomever they want. That’s something every girl should learn about.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.