How to Write a Catholic Wedding Program (With Template)

Published October 11, 2022
For Catholics, a wedding is a sacred sacrament. It unites a man and a woman in the bonds of matrimony before God and the people. In most Catholic cultures around the world, it’s also a community affair. Their family, friends, and colleagues join the couple to celebrate this joyous day.
Because weddings usually draw large crowds, they can be difficult to manage. This is where wedding programs enter the picture. It informs the guests of the things they need to know about the ceremony. With this, they know what to expect and can thus act appropriately.
If you’re preparing for your wedding, here’s a quick guide on how to write a Catholic wedding program.
Before Writing a Wedding Program
There is no standard Catholic wedding program. But that doesn’t mean you can include whatever you want. The main objective of a wedding program is to brief the attendees about the flow of the ceremony. But it’s more than just that.
Your wedding program must also encourage the guests to participate. So instead of just providing a description for the ceremony, think of it as a script for your guests. Write it with the goal of helping them fulfill their roles in the celebration. You can put as much or as little detail as you want depending on how many pages you intend the program to be.
Even though the Catholic Church doesn’t provide a standard template for a wedding program, they do have an order for the liturgy. That’s non-negotiable and usually the hardest part to navigate for your guests.
The wedding liturgy is steeped in tradition. Thus, there’s a lot of kneeling, bowing, and other gestures expected of the attendees. Make sure that your wedding ceremony program will help them do this right. Otherwise, they’ll just grow bored or restless during the ceremony. And that’s the last thing you’d want to happen.
What to Include in a Catholic Wedding Program
In a wedding program, there are things you can’t do without. Here are some basic elements that have to be included in the program:
1. Name of the Couple
Needless to say, this should go on the cover of your program. The wordings usually vary. Some of the most common ones are:
- A Celebration of Marriage
( Bride’s name)
( Groom’s name)
- The Wedding of
( Bride’s name)
( Groom’s name)
- The Wedding Liturgy Uniting
( Bride’s name)
( Groom’s name)
- Celebrating the Nuptial of
( Bride’s name)
( Groom’s name)
2. Date and Place of the Wedding
This should go on the cover page too. It’s usually placed right after the names of the couple.
3. Celebrant
Some people put this on the cover while others put it on the back. It’s really up to you.
4. Entourage
This includes the name of the bride and groom’s parents, principal sponsors, bridesmaids, groomsmen, maid of honor, best man, and ushers and usherettes. Some prefer to put this on the first page of the program while others print it on the invitation itself.
5. Wedding Rites
Catholic weddings can be celebrated with or without a mass. The latter usually takes longer as it involves communion rites and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Now, this is the part where most guests usually have a hard time. As mentioned, the wedding liturgy follows an exact order but not a lot of people have memorized it. So your guests will most definitely rely on your program. The sequence also varies depending on whether you’re celebrating the wedding within a mass or without it.
If you’re celebrating a wedding within a mass, the liturgy goes like this:
1. Introductory Rites
(guests will stand all throughout this part of the liturgy)
- Entrance Rite
- Greeting
- Gloria
- Opening Prayer
2. Liturgy of the Word
- First Reading (sit)
- Responsorial Psalm (sit)
- Second Reading (sit)
- Gospel Acclamation (stand)
- Gospel (sit)
- Homily (sit)
3. The Celebration of Matrimony
(guests will stand all throughout this part of the liturgy)
- Address and Statement of Intentions
- Exchange of Consent
- Blessing and Giving of Rings
- Profession of Faith
- The Universal Prayer
4. Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Preparation and Presentation of the Gifts (sit)
- Eucharistic Prayer (sit)
- Sanctus (sit)
- Memorial Acclamation (kneel)
- Great Amen (stand)
5. Communion Rite
- The Lord’s Prayer (stand)
- Nuptial Blessing (stand)
- Sign of Peace (stand)
- Lamb of God (stand)
- Communion (non-Catholics can sit this one out)
6. Concluding Rites
(guests will stand all throughout this part of the liturgy)
- Blessing
- Dismissal
- Recessional
In some places, the couple may also be required to go to confession before the wedding mass can start. But some churches allow the couple to do their penance a day or days before the wedding ceremony. While others may only recommend the sacrament of absolution but not necessarily require it.
For weddings that are celebrated without a mass, the same steps apply except for the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Communion. After the Celebration of Matrimony, the ceremony will proceed with the reciting of The Lord’s Prayer followed by the Nuptial Blessing. It will then be capped off with the concluding rites.
6. Music
Not all of your guests have memorized all the lyrics to the songs used in the wedding. Giving them a guide will encourage them to sing along to the songs. You can print the lyrics or if you’re conserving paper, just the title.
7. Responses
Printing the responsorial psalm and other responses will help your guests know what to say and when to say it.
8. Readings
Most wedding programs include the bible verses and the reader.
9. Prayers
Again, you can’t expect all of your guests to know all the words to every single prayer. So printing them out will help them recite the prayer with the others.

Optional Things to Include
If you have extra space in your program, you can also include these parts:
Thank You Messages
You can include a little thank you message to your guests for sparing their time to celebrate with you. They’ll surely appreciate the gesture.
Reminders for the Guests
Every wedding has its own fair share of unruly guests. So putting a gentle reminder on your program will help. It can range from simple things like putting their phones on silent mode to not blocking the aisle when taking photographs of the wedding. Just be careful of the wording so it won’t leave the wrong message.
Catholic Wedding Program Template
Since Catholic weddings can be celebrated within a mass or without it, we have two kinds of program templates to suit your wedding preferences:
Catholic Wedding Program Template (With Mass)
Front Cover
A Celebration of Marriage / The Wedding Of / The Wedding Liturgy Uniting / Celebrating the Nuptial of
[Name of Groom]
[Name of Bride]
[Church Name]
[Wedding Date]
Program Proper
Prelude |
[List any prelude music. You may also include the name of musician or band] |
Procession |
[Entrance music] |
Please stand as wedding party enters. |
Greeting |
[Indicate how the guests should respond to the priest’s greeting] |
Please remain standing. |
Gloria |
[Indicate where the Gloria hymn can be located in the hymnal] |
Please join choir during refrain. |
Opening prayer |
[Indicate where the Opening Prayer can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
First Reading |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please sit. |
Responsorial Psalm |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain seated. |
Second Reading |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain seated. |
Gospel Acclamation |
Alleluia [Indicate where it can be found in the hymnal] |
Please stand. |
Gospel |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please sit. |
Homily |
Please remain seated. |
Address and Statement of Intentions |
Please stand. |
Exchange of Consent |
Please remain standing. |
Blessing and Giving of Rings |
Please remain standing. |
Profession of Faith |
[Indicate where the Profession of Faith prayer can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
The Universal Prayer |
[Indicate Response] |
Please remain standing. |
The Lord’s Prayer |
[Indicate where this can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
Nuptial Blessing |
Please remain standing and join in silent prayer for the couple. |
Blessing |
Please respond with “Amen” when prompted. |
Please stand. |
Dismissal |
Response: Thanks be to God. |
Please remain standing. |
Recessional |
[Indicate Recessional song and where it can be found in the hymnal] |
Back Cover
- A list of the wedding party and their names including the:
- Bride and groom’s parents
- Bride and groom’s grandparents
- Maid of honor
- Bestman
- Bridesmaids
- Groomsmen
- Flower girls
- Ring bearers
- Users/Usherettes
- A list of the Ministers of the Liturgy and their names including the:
- Priest
- Altar servers
- Choir
- Musicians
- Readers/Lectors
- Gift bearers
- Other information or instructions you may want to communicate with your guests such as:
- A message of thanks and acknowledgement for everyone who helped plan the wedding;
- A request not to use flash photography during the ceremony;
- An explanation about Catholic mass practices like the Communion and the Sign of Peace;
- Directions for the reception
Catholic Wedding Program Template (Without Mass)
Front Cover
A Celebration of Marriage / The Wedding Of / The Wedding Liturgy Uniting / Celebrating the Nuptial of
[Name of Groom]
[Name of Bride]
[Church Name]
[Wedding Date]
Program Proper
Prelude |
[List any prelude music. You may also include the name of musician or band] |
Procession |
[Entrance music] |
Please stand as wedding party enters. |
Greeting |
[Indicate how the guests should respond to the priest’s greeting] |
Please remain standing. |
Gloria |
[Indicate where the Gloria hymn can be located in the hymnal] |
Please join choir during refrain. |
Opening prayer |
[Indicate where the Opening Prayer can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
First Reading |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please sit. |
Responsorial Psalm |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain seated. |
Second Reading |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain seated. |
Gospel Acclamation |
Alleluia [Indicate where it can be found in the hymnal] |
Please stand. |
Gospel |
[Indicate the corresponding Bible verses and where it can be found in the Missal] |
Please sit. |
Homily |
Please remain seated. |
Address and Statement of Intentions |
Please stand. |
Exchange of Consent |
Please remain standing. |
Blessing and Giving of Rings |
Please remain standing. |
Profession of Faith |
[Indicate where the Profession of Faith prayer can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
The Universal Prayer |
[Indicate Response] |
Please remain standing. |
Preparation and Presentation of the Gifts |
[Indicate the Offertory Song/s and where it/they can be found in the hymnal] |
Please sit. |
Eucharistic Prayer |
[Indicate where the Eucharistic prayer can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain seated. |
Sanctus |
[Indicate where the Sanctus song can be found in the hymnal] |
Please remain seated. |
Memorial Acclamation |
[Indicate where this can be found in the Missal/hymnal] |
Please kneel. |
Great Amen |
Amen. Amen. Amen. [Indicate where this can be found in the hymnal] |
Please stand. |
The Lord’s Prayer |
[Indicate where this can be found in the Missal] |
Please remain standing. |
Nuptial Blessing |
Please remain standing and join in silent prayer for the couple. |
Sign of Peace |
You are invited to exchange a sign of peace with one another. This is typically done by shaking hands or embracing while saying “Peace be with you”. |
Lamb of God |
[Indicate where the song can be found in the hymnal] |
Please remain standing |
Communion |
[Indicate the songs for Communion and where they can be found in the hymnal] |
Non-Catholics may remain seated. |
Blessing |
Please respond with “Amen” when prompted. |
Please stand. |
Dismissal |
Response: Thanks be to God. |
Please remain standing. |
Recessional |
[Indicate Recessional song and where it can be found in the hymnal] |
Back Cover
- A list of the wedding party and their names including the:
- Bride and groom’s parents
- Bride and groom’s grandparents
- Maid of honor
- Bestman
- Bridesmaids
- Groomsmen
- Flower girls
- Ring bearers
- Users/Usherettes
- A list of the Ministers of the Liturgy and their names including the:
- Priest
- Altar servers
- Choir
- Musicians
- Readers/Lectors
- Gift bearers
- Other information or instructions you may want to communicate with your guests such as:
- A message of thanks and acknowledgment for everyone who helped plan the wedding;
- A request not to use flash photography during the ceremony;
- An explanation of Catholic mass practices like the Communion and the Sign of Peace;
- Directions for the reception.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.