Signs That You Are A Christian Empath

Published October 27, 2023
Have you ever been accused of being too sensitive? Do other people’s emotions affect you like it’s your own? You might be an empath if you answered yes to all these. But is it possible to be both a Christian and an empath?
Yes, it is very much possible. But for some, being an empath and an active Christian can be difficult. Many people still don’t understand empathic abilities. We grew up taught that “supernatural” powers did not come from God. As such, Christian empaths usually have difficulty fitting in and gaining acceptance from the community.
But there is nothing wrong with having empathic abilities. Contrary to popular belief, it is a gift from God. It’s His way of letting you help others get closer to him. It’s a precious gift that you should use as God intended it to be.
Unique Traits of Empaths
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, genetic factors account for approximately 10% of the variation in empathy between individuals. This means that, as an empath, you are unique and special, as not everyone has your gift. But what sets you apart from others are these unique traits:
Sensitive to People’s Emotions
One of the most common comments empaths receive is that they are too sensitive. True enough, you might be very much in tune with other people’s emotions. You feel elated when they are happy and suffer with them through their grief. This helps you easily anticipate their needs.
You hate chaos and arguments more than anything else. Fights and shoutings quickly upset you; you tend to be the peacemaker in a group.
Putting yourself in their shoes is much easier because you quickly feel what other people think. This helps you to understand them better and be more compassionate for them.
Hates Negativity
Empaths tend to absorb other people’s emotions. This includes negative ones. And when you’re flooded with negative emotions, it can drain the life out of you. This is why empaths feel they have to bring positivity to any room they’re in.
Feels Uncomfortable in Large Crowds
Large crowds can be very overwhelming for you. This is why you avoid public places like malls and theaters. Concerts are not your cup of tea, mainly because of the crowd and loud sound.
Highly Intuitive
Is your “gut feel” accurate most of the time? An empath’s intuition is highly developed. As such, you have a knack for reading into situations even before it’s revealed to you.
Low Pain Tolerance
Empaths may have a high emotional quotient, but physical pain can be intolerable. A simple cut or small bruise may not matter much to a non-empath, but it can feel excruciating.
Easily Detects Lies
Lying to an empath won’t be easy because they can easily read into other people’s emotions. You can see through people’s words, and your intuition usually tells you whether they lie.
Avoid Negative Media Images
Morbid and pessimistic images affect you much more than other people. You usually get very emotional over a photo of a mother and a child or a homeless person shivering on a cold pavement.
Attracts Narcissists
Narcissists tend to navigate towards you. At the same time, you may find yourself feeding into their need for constant validation. This is why, most of the time, empaths are mistaken as pushovers and suckups.
A Good Listener
Empaths tend to form strong relationships because they are good listeners. It’s not in your nature to judge or condemn others. Instead, you understand where they’re coming from and empathize with them.

Constantly Tired
Being overly sensitive to other people’s emotions can take its toll on you. This is why you may find yourself constantly tired and sapped of energy.
Hates Multi-tasking
Doing many things at once can easily overwhelm and confuse you. That’s why you don’t usually thrive in a multi-tasking job.
Hates Show-off and Selfish People
While you can tolerate narcissists, show-offs, and selfish people are your enemies. Maybe it’s because you can quickly see through them, or their self-centered nature simply puts you off.
What Can You Do With Your Empathic Abilities?
As a Christian, many people in your community may not appreciate your gifts. But God gave it to you for a reason. The best way to thank him for it is by using it to make other people’s lives better and bring them closer to Him.
Seek a Deeper Connection with God and Join Lay Cistercians of South Florida
Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.