20+ Christmas Dinner Prayers for a Blissful Holiday

Published January 10, 2024
Aside from the mass, Christmas dinners are probably one of my most anticipated moments during the holidays. It’s a chance to take a break and feast on some mouth-watering foods and an opportunity for friends and family to gather and be merry.
But before we drown ourselves in the endless stream of food, drinks, and merrymaking, let’s not forget the real reason for the season. After all, we wouldn’t have Christmas dinners today if the Son of God hadn’t come into the world thousands of years ago.
So, don’t forget to include prayers in your Christmas dinner this holiday. It’s a way to show gratitude for all our blessings and affirm our faith in Him.
Here are some Christmas dinner prayers you can use:
Christmas Dinner Prayer for the Family
Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us together as family, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all of the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Christianity.com
Prayer Before Meals for Christmas Dinner Party
Come, Lord our God, and surround our feast day table as we delight in this joyous season of Christmas. Gift us in this meal with the taste of happiness as we savor this coming together of family and friends. As sparkling stars and singing angels rejoiced at the birth of the Christ Child in Bethlehem, so may we take great joy in this Christmas dinner celebration. May You, our God, bless it and us in Your holy name.
– Edward Hays
Short Thank You Prayer for Christmas Dinner
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this table full of wonderful people.
Thank you for this table full of fabulous food.
Thank you for this table full of festive fellowship.
– Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Christmas Dinner Prayer for Catholics
In the peace of this season our spirits are joyful: With the beasts and angels, the shepherds and stars, with Mary and Joseph we sing God’s praise. By your coming may the hungry be filled with good things, and may our table and home be blessed. Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.
– acatholic.org
Short Christmas Dinner Prayer for Family
Dear Lord,
We give thanks to you for this time of sharing a Christmas meal with our family. And we thank you for the blessings of the love of Jesus. With joy, we pray. Amen.
– Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Christmas Dinner Prayer About Remembering Jesus
Dear God,
Help us to keep our focus first on Christ this season. Please forgive us for giving too much time and attention on other things. Help us to reflect again, on what Christmas is really all about. Thank you that you came to give new life, peace, hope, and joy. Thank you that your power is made perfect in our weakness. Help us to remember that the gift of Christ, Immanuel, is our greatest treasure, not just at Christmas, but for the whole year through. Fill us with your joy and the peace of your Spirit. Direct our hearts and minds towards you.
Thank you for your reminder that both in seasons of celebration and in seasons of brokenness, you’re still with us. For you never leave us. Thank you for your daily powerful Presence in our lives, that we can be assured your heart is towards us, your eyes are over us, and your ears are open to our prayers.
Thank you that you surround us with favor as with a shield, and we are safe in your care. We choose to press in close to you today…and keep you first in our hearts and lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Debbie McDaniel (Crosswalk.org)
Prayer for a Dinner Filled with Kindness
Love brought Jesus to the earth, and love brings us to this Christmas table.
Today as we share this holiday feast, may we also share with one another a joyful heart and a warm smile.
May our Christmas dinner be filled with kindness. And may the memories of today warm our hearts for years to come.
– Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Christmas Prayer by Pope John XXIII
O sweet Child of Bethlehem, grant that we may share with all our hearts in this profound mystery of Christmas. Put into the hearts of men and women this peace for which they sometimes seek so desperately and which you alone can give to them. Help them to know one another better, and to live as brothers and sisters, children of the same Father. Reveal to them also your beauty, holiness, and purity. Awaken in their hearts love and gratitude for your infinite goodness. Join them all together in your love. And give us your heavenly peace. Amen.
– Pope John XXIII
Christmas Dinner Prayer for Fellowship
Father, Praise You for friendship and family! Thank You for bringing us together on Christmas day to share a meal. The people in our lives bring us such joy, and we are grateful for time spent in fellowship together. Thank you for the birth of your son and the gift of eternal salvation that He brings.
Help us use this time to bond closer and to learn to love each other more. Bless our appetites, both physical and spiritual, to honor You in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Crosswalk.com
Christmas Prayer for Steadfastness
In a world where worry, not peace, prevails, stir up that good news again. This Christmas, make it real in our hearts. Never have we needed Your joy and peace more than now. Thank You for the gift of Jesus, our Immanuel, the Word made flesh. Forgive us for forgetting—that Your love never changes, never fades, and that You never abandon the purpose for which You came: to save us from our sinful condition, and to give us life eternal, the joy of relationship with a holy God. Your birth—and Your death—sealed Your promise to us forever.
– Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Prayer for a Simple Christmas
Dear Lord, Don’t let us miss You this Christmas season. Help us to simplify our activities and traditions so we can focus our celebration on Your birth. Thank You for being the Prince of Peace, and I ask You for that supernatural peace to reign in our hearts. Thank You for the simple but life-changing message of Your love for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
– Melanie Chitwood
Christmas Prayer for Renewal
Father, it wasn’t with bad intentions initially that Christmas celebrations grew way beyond Who and have now made us weary. Renew in our hearts the wonder and awe of the miracles of the Gift of Christmas. Not only us, Lord, but let our new found wonder spread to our families and our friends. Let us come together to celebrate You and leave behind the fuss. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
– Paris Renae (Christianity.com)
Prayer for Christmas Joy
Father, let us remember that the good news of Jesus’ birth has the power to bring us great joy this Christmas season. Our joy isn’t dependent on what is going on in our life, in our world, or the people that we are with. It doesn’t depend on the gifts we give or the gifts we find under the tree. No earthly thing can ever give us complete joy. Our joy comes from you. That joy that flooded the hearts of the shepherds, the angels, the wise men, the hosts of heaven, and Mary and Joseph is the joy that still has the power to overwhelm our hearts with rejoicing.
– Hope Bolinger
Christmas Prayer for the World
God, our Creator, we offer this humble prayer on Christmas Day. We come to worship with a song of thanks in our hearts—a song of redemption, a song of hope and renewal. We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth. We ask for the salvation of all our family members and friends, and we pray your blessings on all people. May there be bread for the hungry, love for the unlovable, healing for the sick, protection for our children, and wisdom for our youth. We pray for the forgiveness of sinners and abundant life in Christ. Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love and power. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
– Rev. Lia Icaza Willetts
Christmas Prayer to Remind Us of God’s Presence
Heavenly Father, You are in control, and yet so often I feel as if I have to hold it all together myself. Devastating interruptions make me doubt Your care for me and Your power over my life. Please remind me of Your presence in my life and of Your nearness to my heart today. Thank You for coming to earth, amidst all the chaos. Remind me that this time of year is a symbol of the lengths You will go to make Your love for me known. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Christianity.com
Prayer For The Holy Season
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter, we praise you for the great wonders you have sent us: for shining star and angel’s song, for infant’s cry in lowly manger. We praise you for the Word made flesh in a little Child. We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance. Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas, the incomprehensible comprehended, the poetry made hard fact, the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder. We kneel before you shepherds, innkeepers, wise men. Help us to rise bigger than we are. Amen.
– Countryliving.com
Christmas Dinner Prayer When Someone is Missed at the Table
Father, We are coping with an empty seat at our table. Be with the one we are without, today, and help us to trust in Your timing, purpose, and great love for us all. As we miss (insert the name of the person/s not at the dinner table) today, we pray Your blessing over him/her/them, and us, and the space in between now and when we see them next. Until then, may this food bless our bodies, and give us strength to endure the day ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Christianity.com

Short Personal Prayer for Christmas
Lord, please help me to remember that you truly are the reason for the Christmas season. Thank you for sending your Son on Christmas day, so that I could be forgiven and enjoy eternal life in heaven with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Tracie Miles
Christmas Prayer by St. Augustine of Hippo
Let the just rejoice, for their justifier is born. Let the sick and infirm rejoice, for their savior is born. Let the captives rejoice, for their Redeemer is born. Let slaves rejoice, for their Master is born. Let free men rejoice, for their Liberator is born. Let All Christians rejoice, for Jesus Christ is born.
– St. Augustine of Hippo
Short Prayer Before Meals
Our Heavenly Father, kind and good, We thank Thee for our daily food. We thank Thee for Thy love and care. Be with us Lord, and hear our prayer. Amen.
– Mary Fairchild
Simple Prayer Before Christmas Dinner
Dear Lord, Thank you for this table full of wonderful people. Thank you for this table full of fabulous food. Thank you for this table full of festive fellowship. Amen.
– Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Prayer of Gratitude for Christmas Dinner
Round this table, here to pray.
First, we thank you for the day.
For our family and our friends.
Gifts of grace that heaven lends.
Living water, daily bread.
Countless blessings our God sends.
Thank you, Jesus, for them all.
For the great ones and the small.
When we’re happy, when we’re sad.
On the good days and the bad.
We are grateful, we are glad.
– Mary Fairchild
Christmas Eve Prayer
Loving God, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
– acatholic.org
Prayer for Christmas
Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us together as family, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all of the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
– Christianity.com
Christmas Dinner Prayer for Family
Come, Lord our God, and surround our feast day table as we delight in this joyous season of Christmas. Gift us in this meal with the taste of happiness as we savor this coming together of family and friends. As sparkling stars and singing angels rejoiced at the birth of the Christ Child in Bethlehem, so may we take great joy in this Christmas dinner celebration. May You, our God, bless it and us in Your holy name.
– Edward Hays
Let Us Give Thanks
As the holiday season approaches, infusing our Christmas dinners with gratitude and spirituality is essential. These 20+ heartfelt Christmas dinner prayers remind us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
Whether you gather with family or friends, these prayers create a blissful atmosphere filled with love, joy, and thankfulness. May your holiday feast be a time of reflection, connection, and abundant blessings.
Seek a Deeper Connection with God and Join Lay Cistercians of South Florida
Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.