15 Fertility Prayers If You’re Struggling to Get Pregnant

Published August 25, 2023
Infertility is a very common problem, not just in the US but in the world too. According to data, fertility rates around the world have halved over the past decades. In the US, the CDC estimates that 1 in 4 women have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term.
Even in Jesus’ time, infertility had been a common concern, especially for women. In the Bible, there are plenty of stories about women and couples struggling with infertility. From Sarah and Abraham in the Old Testament to Elizabeth and Zechariah in the New Testament, these couples went through a tough time because of their inability to conceive a child.
But if you read their stories through the end, you’ll see how God rewarded them for their faith and patience. Sarah and Abraham had billions of descendants through their son Isaac. Abraham is now even known as the “Father of All Nations”. While Elizabeth and Zechariah gave birth to John the Baptist, who went on to become one of the greatest preachers in the New Testament.
So if you’re having a hard time getting pregnant right now, know that God did not forget you. Nor will he ever do. He has great plans for you, and someday, you’ll see that everything will fall into place in His perfect time. Just keep the faith, and don’t forget to pray. He hears all our prayers and knows all the desires of our hearts.
Here are some fertility prayers if you or someone you know is having a hard time conceiving:
Prayer for Conception
You are the God of my fertility. I pray and hold faith in your word. I beg that You plant a seed into my womb Lord. Not just any seed, but a holy and healthy seed of God.
You said to go forth and be fruitful. So God, I ask this day that You open my womb so that I can bring forth a child and even children.
Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same today. I have faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children.
I know You will quench my desire. Lord, even as Hannah was without a child, You give her a son after her prayer unto You. You heard her supplication. And this day, I know my prayer will not be void unto You, but it will be heard and answered.
Lord, even as you remember Rachel and she conceived, listen to my prayers and me and my family. Enable me to conceive and bear a child.
You said to ask, and it shall be given. This day I ask for fertility in the womb. I break the spirit of barrenness, and I come against every attack of the enemy to prevent my pregnancy. Amen.
Prayer for Motherhood to the Blessed Virgin
Most Holy Mother, hear the cries of my heart right now. Blessed Virgin, I want to be fruitful, but I have not yet been blessed with fertility. Grant me fertility over my life and end my suffering. Help make me a fruitful vine within my house; my children will be like olive shoots around my table. Mother of Mercy, I know I was not created so that I would be fruitless, but your Son created me to be effective in all that I do. I know that my season of fertility will come according to your Son’s timing. Amen.
Fertility Prayer for Daughter
Dear Father, The world is aware of your miracles, and so am I.
I come to you in the name of my daughter. She has tried to conceive without success.
Please shower your blessing upon her.
Lord, I am praying you to bless her with a child. I am expecting your miracle into her life.
Prayer for Comfort While Waiting to Get Pregnant
God, I know that you see my heart, and you see every anxious thought in my head. I pray that you would allow my body to conceive and give my little one the health and strength they need to grow. I pray you will help me to trust in you throughout this process and comfort me when things don’t go my way. When my world feels like it’s crumbling, help me to lift my eyes to you. Be my comfort in times of trouble and times of sorrow. I believe you are still with me, even in this difficult season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Fertility Prayer for First Baby
Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray to you with my whole heart that I receive a positive pregnancy test and be released from the pain of infertility. As you loving servant and child of God, I ask you in the name of Jesus to help us with our fertility issues and bless our family with our first baby.
I know that everything will come in due time, and I trust in your creative power to send good news to our family. Amen
Fertility Prayer to St. Gerard
O Good St Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently, I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth, you always fulfilled God’s designs. Help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory. Amen.
Dear Mother Mary, speak to Jesus for me.
Fertility Prayer for a Friend
Lord, I come to you with a prayer of my heartfor my friend who is struggling to have a baby. Dear Heavenly Father, please help her realize this deep desire to have a little baby filled with God’s love. She is afraid that she is destined to be a childless woman without her own children. Dear Father, please bless her with the precious gift of life. Help her to trust God’s plan so that she can have a healthy pregnancy and get her heart’s desire.
Thank you, Oh lord, Amen
Prayer for Patience
Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of this time. Even though it’s hard to wait for something I desire, I know your timing is perfect and I thank you for this season. I pray your comfort and peace would overflow and that you would help me to cast every care onto you. Help me to listen to you fervently and to have eyes to see what you’re teaching me while I wait. I trust in your timing and I believe you will make everything work out for my good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
– www.blessourlittles.com

Prayer to St. Philomena for Fertility and Conception
Dearest St. Philomena, your prayers are powerful because you are so close to Our Lord. Your child-like faith and devotion are an inspiration to all of the faithful. Many miracles have occurred as a result of your intercession. In your closeness to Our Lord, please lift up these my intentions in prayer…
(state your intentions)
St. Philomena, at such a young age, you gave everything to Jesus to become a consecrated virgin for the Kingdom. Giving even more, you gave your life as you suffered a martyr’s death to preserve your gift to our Lord. Pray for me that I might have the same faith and willingness to accept God’s will no matter the cost.
Prayer for Twins
Dear God, Please Accept my prayer of wanting the only blessing to have a twin heart in my life. Lords, I am Thankful to you for making us worthy and dropping this desire in our hearts. We are ready to do our duty and become parents of twins. Please accept our prayers, In the name of Jesus.
Prayer to St. Agnes for Fertility
Heavenly St. Agnes, I humbly come before you with my deepest desire for fertility. Please intercede on my behalf and ask our loving Lord to bless me with the gift of motherhood.
Grant me patience, strength, and faith during this journey.
May your holy example inspire me to trust in God’s divine plan for my life.
Prayer To St. Brigid For Healing and Fertility
St. Brigid, champion of women and of babies, I ask for your intercession.
You are a healer who strengthens what is weak.
You bring harmony where there is discord.
Pray to Jesus to heal my body that I might conceive
and birth a healthy child into this world.
Strengthen my soul that I may remain steadfast in my belief in my own fertility.
Bring harmony to me that my body, soul, and spirit may align to prepare for pregnancy.
Prepare my heart to welcome new life with love.
Hear my pleas, Brigid, and intercede for me to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Through Jesus Christ I pray.
Prayer to St. Colette for Pregnancy
Saint Colette, Patron Saint of those trying to conceive
I come to you with my desire to conceive a child.
I ask you to intercede for me before Jesus
and ask him to fulfill this most urgent desire of my heart if it is his will.
I ask that I may conceive a healthy baby who will bring joy to my family
and who will live a life dedicated to Christ.
St. Collette Pray for Me.
(Say three Hail Mary’s to invite the Blessed Mother’s Assistance)
Prayer to St. Rita for Fertility and a Miracle Child
Saint Rita, you are my advocate and my protectress.
Saint Rita, you are beloved by the Lord and given special graces from heaven.
Saint Rita, you help those who are in need.
Hear my desire now to be healed of infertility.
Intercede on my behalf to the Lord that I may be blessed with perfect and miraculous fertility.
Know my deep desire to conceive
and birth a healthy child who will live a long, happy, and healthy life.
Advocate for me, that heaven might hear
and grant my desire to lovingly welcome a miracle child into my family.
As I wait for this intercession, help me to be patient in my suffering as you were.
Help me to be consumed with Divine Love as you were.
Help me to persevere in prayer as you did.
Through your intercession, and the love of Jesus Christ, I pray.
Prayer to St. Anthony for Children
St. Anthony of miracles, through your intervention God heals the barren woman
and makes her a happy mother of children.
Deliver me from barrenness, and restore my lost fertility.
I am confident that you will hear my prayers
and intercede for me to the Lord, Our God. Heal my body.
Heal my soul. Guide me to make the right choices.
Help me to find my baby.
I pray with certainty that my happy, healthy baby will soon be in my arms.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.