7 Saints Considered to be the Patrons of Sailors

Published September 26, 2023
In Catholicism, patron saints play a crucial role and are incredibly significant to the community they oversee. Patron saints are saints or blessed chosen to be special intercessors with God. The seas can be incredibly treacherous, often taking the lives of many sailors. For this reason, seafarers need protectors in the form of patron saints. Let’s get to know some of them.
Saint Brendan
One of the most popular patron saints is Saint Brendan (in Irish Gaelic Brénaind), a Celtic saint and hero of legendary voyages in the Atlantic Ocean. He was raised in what is now known as County Limerick, where he later studied under Abbot St. Jarlath of Tuam. He is best known for his legendary voyage to the Isle of the Blessed, later immortalized in the mythical Christian tale of sea adventure, Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis (“Voyage of St. Brendan the Abbot”). This Irish epic depicts an incredible Atlantic journey with other monks, culminating in setting foot on “The Promised Land of Saints.”
According to the legend, Brendan and a group of monks embarked on a perilous journey across the ocean. They eventually reached the Isle of the Blessed, also known as the “Promised Land of Saints.” This epic voyage has inspired many stories and poems throughout history. It has made St. Brendan one of the most popular patron saints of sailors.
Prayer to Saint Brendan
Oh, Saint Brendan, patron saint of sailors,
Guide us through the vastness of the sea,
Protect us from storms and danger,
Lead us safely to our destination.
In your footsteps, we find courage and faith,
May your intercession bring us peace and hope.
Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas of Myra is probably the most well-known saint in the world. You might know him by his more popular name, “Santa Claus.” Saint Nicholas was born in present-day Turkey. He lost both of his parents when he was a young man. The inheritance they left him, he gave away to the poor and the sick. His giving nature led to the wonderous legend that is Santa Claus.
While Saint Nicholas is a patron saint of children, he is primarily the patron saint for sailors in other parts of the world. Many ports in Greece have his icons, surrounded by ex-votos of small ships made of silver or carved of wood. In other places, instead of wishing one another good luck, sailors say, “May St. Nicholas hold the tiller.”
Prayer to Saint Nicholas
Dear Saint Nicholas, protector of sailors,
Watch over us as we navigate the treacherous waters,
Grant us safe passage on our voyages,
Guide us with your loving presence.
May your intercession protect us from harm,
And bring us blessings on our maritime journeys.
Saint Christopher
Saint Christopher has an incredibly unique story. He was venerated as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Though he’s one of the most popular saints, his existence remains a topic for debate. He is said to be the patron saint of travelers.
Legend has it that Christopher used to be known as Reprobus. In the story, he was a giant Canaanite who sought to serve the greatest king. In his search, Christopher ended up serving the devil. But then one day, he noticed that the devil feared Christ, so he sought him out. St. Christopher then met a hermit who instructed him on the Christian faith and figured out how best to serve Christ. Because of His towering height, he decided he would assist people in crossing the river. This is how he became the patron saint for travelers.
In 1969, the Roman Catholic Church removed his name from the calendar, rendering his feast day non-obligatory.
Prayer to Saint Christopher
Oh, Saint Christopher, patron saint of travelers,
Be our guide on the roads we travel,
Protect us from perils and accidents,
Lead us safely to our destinations.
In your intercession, we find strength,
May your presence bring us peace and protection.
Saint Clement
Clement of Rome is said to be the third successor of Saint Peter and the first Apostolic Father of the Church. We don’t know too much about Saint Clement I’s life since only a few details have been given. Because of his evangelization efforts, he was drowned with an anchor wrapped around his neck. This anchor became his symbol, a symbol of hope. Saint Clement is the patron saint of mariners and the protector against gales and storms.
Prayer to Saint Clement
Saint Clement, patron saint of mariners,
Intercede for us in times of turbulence,
Protect us from the fury of the seas,
Guide us through the stormy waters of life.
May your steadfast faith inspire us,
And your symbol of hope anchor our souls.
Saint Elmo
Erasmus of Formia, also called Elmo, is also one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Erasmus was the Bishop of Formia, Italy, during a time when Emperor Diocletian was persecuting Christians. Saint Elmo’s story depicts him miraculously enduring every kind of torture. He suffered plenty of excruciating punishments before ultimately meeting his alleged gruesome death. He was emboweled, with his intestines wrapped around a windlass. This version may have come out of Erasmus’s icon with a windlass, signifying his patronage of sailors.
Prayer to Saint Elmo
Dear Saint Elmo, patron saint of sailors,
Amidst the challenges of the sea, be our guide,
Lead us through the darkest nights and roughest waters,
Keep us safe from harm and bring us home.
In your example of endurance, we find courage,
May your intercession strengthen our spirits.

Saint Francis of Paola
Francis of Paola was a mendicant friar and founder of the Order of the Minims. This order emphasized penance, charity, and humility. He also orchestrated many miracles and reportedly had gifts of prophecy and insight into people’s hearts.
Saint Francis was a pretty significant figure in history. King Louis XI of France, with his last illness, sent an embassy for Saint Francis to visit him. Upon arriving in France, he healed many of the sick before visiting the king in his final moments. Later on, Saint Francis became tutor to King Louis’ heir in Charles VIII, serving as an adviser. Francis spent the rest of his life in France before passing a week after he turned 91.
Pope Leo X later canonized him in 1519. He is said to be a patron saint of mariners, boatmen, and naval officers.
Prayer to Saint Francis of Paola
Oh, Saint Francis of Paola, patron saint of mariners,
Guardian of those who sail the seas,
Protect us during our maritime endeavors,
Guide us through the challenges we face.
May your miracles inspire acts of charity,
And your wisdom illuminate our paths.
Saint Phocas the Gardener
Another victim of Emperor Diocletian’s persecution of Christians is Saint Phocas the Gardener. The remarkable story surrounding Phocas was the story of his death. When Diocletian sent executors to hunt the Christians down, Phocas was included in this agenda. Executors arrived at his home, asking about a certain “Phocas,” to which Phocas himself replied that he could give information about the man the next morning. So, for the evening, he welcomed the executors as guests in his home and let them rest. When they had fallen asleep, Phocas silently dug his own grave and prepared his heart and spirit for his impending death. In the morning, he gave the executors the news that he was the Phocas they were looking for, encouraging them to take his life. Many people in the Eastern nations, especially revere Saint Phocas. He is also considered to be a patron saint for sailors.
Saint Phocas the Gardener, Bless our seeds as we sow, Nurture our gardens as they grow. Grant us patience and a fruitful yield, As we tend to nature’s field. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Phocas the Gardener
Blessed Saint, Patron of Sailors,
Guide us through life’s tumultuous sea,
Like a beacon in the darkest hours,
Lead us to safety and serenity.
Grant us the wisdom to sow seeds of kindness,
To nurture love and compassion with care,
May our hearts be gardens of goodness,
Blooming with virtues beyond compare.
Oh, Saint Phocas, hear this humble plea,
Intercede for us, we beseech thee,
Through your prayers, may we find peace,
And in tending to our souls, may we find release.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.