Catholic Prayers to Restore a Child’s Health

Published October 14, 2023
Children are one of God’s greatest gifts. They are also the most highly favored ones. Jesus even told his disciples that unless they change and be like children, they can never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)
But they are the most prone to sickness and ailments too. If you’re a parent or a guardian, then you’ll know how hard it is to watch your child suffering from an illness. You know how painful it is to hear their cries but too helpless to do something about it. If you can just take their pain for yourself to ease their suffering, you undoubtedly would.
It is in these moments that we need God more than ever. During Jesus’ time here on Earth, he has healed many children. He cured a boy suffering from epilepsy (Matthew 14:18) and even the official’s son who was at death’s door (John 4:43-54). So don’t lose hope. Continue to pray for healing. Be steadfast in your faith that God will heal your child. Prayer and faith can work wonders and bring about miracles.
Here are some Catholic prayers for a sick child you can use to implore God to restore your child’s health.
A Prayer For a Sick Child
If you’re a parent, it’s inevitable to feel helpless when you’re child is sick. This prayer is about trusting in God’s infinite mercy and in the power of prayer to heal your sick child.
Lord God,
I praise you for your compassion and your goodness. Marvelous are your healing mercies.
Lord, as sickness has invaded my little one’s world, I stand by watching and feeling helpless.
But Lord, I am reminded that I am not helpless but powerful in prayer.
I lift up to you my precious child, and I ask for your healing power to fully permeate every part of my child’s body.
Lord, I ask that my child’s body be quickly transformed into radiant health as you respond to prayer and your healing promises in your Word.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
St. Jude Prayer for Healing
Source: Catholic Doors Ministry
St. Jude Thaddeus is one of Jesus’ twelve apostles and a martyr. He is also the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes. Many children’s hospitals around the world are also named after him.
St. Jude, the glorious apostle faithful servant, and friend of Jesus,
the patron of hopeless cases of things despaired of,
pray for our child who is sick and so miserable.
Make use we implore you of this particular privilege accorded to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.
Come to our assistance in this great time of need,
that I may receive the consolations and succor of Heaven
in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly to help our child to get better from his illness
and to give him good health
and to guide his path,
and that we may bless God with you
and all the elect forever.
I promise you, O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful of this great favor,
and I will never cease to honor you
as my special and powerful patron
and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you.
Prayer to St. Gerard Majella For a Sick Child
During his lifetime, St. Gerard Majella is always helping the poor and the sick. He is also regarded as the patron saint of expectant mothers.
O St. Gerard, who, like the Saviour,
loved children so tenderly
and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death,
listen to us who are pleading for our sick child.
We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter,
and ask Him to restore our child to health
if such be His holy will.
This favor, we beg of you,
through your love for all children and mothers.
Prayer to St. Nicholas For a Sick Child
Source: St. Nicholas Center
St. Nicholas of Myra was a Catholic bishop who is the basis for the popular fictional character Santa Claus. And just like Santa, St. Nicholas is also known to be very generous. As a young orphan, he used all his inheritance to help the poor and the sick. Today, he is best known as the protector of children and sailors.
Saint Nicholas, who like the Savior,
loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need,
listen to us who plead for this sick child
who is so dear to our hearts.
We thank God for the great gift of (child’s name)
and we pray that he relieve this child of pain
and free him/her from suffering.
Obtain strength when he/she is weary,
hope when discouraged,
and joy when downhearted.
May the Lord, through your intercession,
restore perfect health if such be his divine will.
These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children. Amen.
Healing Prayer For a Child in ICU
Seeing your child fighting for his/her life in the ICU is probably one of the most painful moments in a mother’s life. If you are in this situation, don’t forget to call unto Him with faith and humility and he will never abandon you and your baby.
Father, my Miracle-Worker, I cry out to You!
Help me, Father! Heal my baby!
I do not know yet what is wrong, but You do, Father.
You healed the sick. You raised the dead.
You made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the lame to walk. Come and fill my baby with Your supernatural grace
so that my child is able to quickly leave the NICU and go home.
My heart is open to You, my Father, and my faith in You is strong.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Prayer for the Healing of a Child Suffering From Cancer Through Mary’s Intercession
Source: St. Joseph Catholic Community
As a mother who personally saw the suffering of her son, Mary knows the pain of helplessly watching by while your child is going through an ordeal. Through her intercession, ask God to spare your child from such sufferings and heal him/her from all afflictions.
Mary, health of the sick, you brought forth into our
world Jesus Christ, our Divine Healer.
In your caring goodness, intercede for my son/daughter
who is truly in need of miraculous assistance
If it be God’s will, I ask this day
that the gift of healing from all forms of cancer
be granted to her/him.
Comfort him/her during times of
anguish, pain, confusion, and despair.
Ask our gracious Savior to grant him/her
physical health, inner peace, and patience in suffering.
May God’s healing graces grant him/her a life of
happiness, health, and fulfillment here on earth,
and one day, the joy of eternal glory in His loving embrace.
Healing Prayer for Babies
Seeing babies sick can be difficult because they are so small and vulnerable. We want them to be healthy and happy, and it hurts to see them in pain or discomfort. Sometimes, doctors and medicines can help, but we may also turn to prayers for support.
O Lord, you are our Healer.
My baby is sick, and I don’t know how to pray.
But in your sovereignty, grace, and mercy, you know what this little body is enduring.
I pray, Father, for your healing hands on him
and for you to heal his little body so he may grow up to serve you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
I choose to trust you with his health. Amen.
Miracle Healing Prayer for a Child
We believe that a Miracle Healing Prayer can bring comfort and healing to a child. Even if we can’t see it happening, we have faith that the power of prayer can make a difference. It gives us hope and reassurance that someone is looking out for the baby and helping them through their illness.
Dear Jesus,
protect all children from harm.
Ease their pain when sick,
Strengthen them when weak,
and comfort them when afraid.
Let these beautiful, tiny souls feel your divine presence.
We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Catholic Prayer for Child with Cancer
God of Salvation, we ask that You
bring healing to our child who has received a diagnosis of cancer.
In Your compassion, relieve her distress,
show her grace, and hear our prayers.
Answer us when we call, O Righteous God, our Healer.
Shine the light of Your face upon us
and pour out the awesome power of Your Holy Spirit.
O Lord Jesus, surely You carried our sicknesses and pain
and purchased our healing.
May our prayer of faith raise her up to perfect health. Amen.

Miracle Healing Prayer For a Child
Dear God,
It is heartbreaking to see children sick and in pain.
We pray in your divine grace
to help these innocent angels get back to what they do best
– explore, play, laugh, and fill the hearts of those around them with hope and joy.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer For A Sick Child With Threatening Illness
Lord I come to You today to present (child’s name) to You.
This very deadly sickness that is upon this child
is devastating to all who know and love him/her.
Please keep their loving family and caregivers strong in You
so that they can be a comfort to this dear little child.
Please keep (child’s name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her.
We pray for mercy that this young child feel only the barest of pain during this ordeal.
We pray for your compassion that you lay your Healing hands on this beloved child.
We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.