11 Powerful Prayers for a Successful Business

Published December 19, 2022
As an entrepreneur, you, of all people, know that success comes with hard work. But we at Lay Cistercians beg to disagree. Success is not just a product of hard work but of God’s grace too.
That’s why a businessman’s greatest weapon is not their business acumen or expertise in their respective fields. It’s their firm and unassailable faith in God.
So if you want to achieve your business goals, here are some powerful prayers for a successful business you can include in your daily devotion:
Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Faithful Father, thank you that you are perfectly faithful; you never forget, never fail and never take back a promise. You have said that I do not need to fear, for you are with me; I do not need to be dismayed, for you will strengthen and help me. When I am daunted by the pressures of business, increase my faith that I may depend on your strength for my success. May God the Father prepare my journey, Jesus the Son guide my footsteps and the Holy Spirit watch over me, on every path that I follow. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
New Year’s Prayer for a Successful Business
Lord God, As I begin this new year, I pray for you to be by my side and guide me to live a better, peaceful, and abundant life. Please bless my company and me to deliver the best services to my clients and fulfill their needs. Let this year be the best year of my business life, Lord, Amen.
Prayer for New Business Opportunities
Dear Heavenly Father, in Your Name, I pray.
I am grateful to you for granting me the grace, wisdom, and means to run this business.
I have faith in your guidance as I ask you to give me the strength to work hard and make my business prosperous and abundant. I know you will reveal new opportunities and areas for expansion and development. Bless this business, and help it grow, flourish, and create great livelihood and growth for all those involved.
Prayer for Starting a Business
Lord, I give you all that I am, All that I hold. I ask for your guidance as I build and shape this business. I trust that you will bless the work of my hands. I pray that you would cover this enterprise and cover my investments. I believe in your leadership that you will guide me and advise me. Come and envision me. May this venture be full of integrity, generosity, fruitfulness and provision. I give you all that I am, And all that I hold, My Lord, Amen.
– https://www.lords-prayer-words.com
Prayer for Prosperity
Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you made all things, and in you all things hold together. You have said that you have plans and a purpose for me, plans to prosper me not to harm me. Let me trust you with my business. May the word of Christ dwell in me richly, teaching me in all wisdom. May I work with thankfulness in my heart to God. Whatever I do, in word or deed, may I do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for a Successful Business
Father, I affirm that I obey Your Word by making an honest living with my own hands, so that I may be able to give to those in need. In Your strength and according to Your grace, I provide for myself and my own family. Thank You, Father, for making all grace, every favor and earthly blessing, come to me in abundance that I, having all sufficiency, may abound to every good work.

Prayer for Decision Makers
Lord, you have entrusted us as stewards of your creation Please guide our hearts as we make our decisions We seek you first in all we do together We give you our business, our suppliers, our customers and our workforce May we be always mindful of their service We confess that we are nothing without you And our trust is in you completely Amen
– https://www.lords-prayer-words.com
Prayer for Opportunities and Growth
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your unconditional love and guidance in all matters of business and life. I ask that you lead me to the opportunities that will bring me prosperity and success. I open my mind and heart to receive your wisdom and the love and energy I need to follow your signs and instructions.
I ask that you make my path clear and lead me through tough times so I can learn to make the right decisions. I look to you to open the doors of opportunity, success, growth, prosperity, and wisdom to love and appreciate your plan for this business.
Prayer of Blessing for the Workplace
Bless my workplace. I declare success in business today. Let my business be of great service to others, flourishing through decency, honesty and respect for my colleagues and customers.
May I be strong and courageous, making wise decisions guided by the Holy Spirit, and not terrified or discouraged.
Grant me wisdom and calm so that I can rightly access every situation and bring peace and productivity to the work environment. Amen.
Prayer for Meeting with Investors and Stakeholders
Dear God,
I praise you, and with great humility, I utter these prayers for business as a form of thanksgiving for your generosity and compassion towards me. I am not worthy of the gracious blessings you entrusted my family and me, but I would be willing to serve your kingdom till eternity if it is your will. As I talk with the stakeholders of my enterprise today, keep my mind focused and allow me to answer their questions correctly.
I pray through this prayer request that you grant me the gifts to help me create connections with our partners and extend our company’s visions to other businesses. Amen.
– https://www.biblekeeper.com/
Prayer for a Successful Business With a Strong Moral Compass
Father God,
Hear these beautiful prayers for business and bless me with gifts that will help me achieve success in building my own company with strong foundational values and integrity. Bless me with the power to commit myself to do the best that I can to build my wealth with the purpose of giving back to others and bringing honor to your kingdom today.
Allow other generations to see the business I have created this day and help me stand boldly and set an example for other people who aspire to build their enterprise with great success. Amen.
– https://www.biblekeeper.com/
Prayer for Success and Wealth
All-Knowing God, thank you that you make known your love and that your purposes will stand, your plans will not fail. Your word says that the blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it. Protect me from going down the path of painful toil for no benefit, and bring success to my business. Hear my prayer, Lord. You are able to do far more abundantly than all that I ask or imagine, according to the power at work within me. To you be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Seek a Deeper Connection with God and Join Lay Cistercians of South Florida
Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.