Pursuing God: What It Means for Catholics

Published July 04, 2021
Who is God? This seems such a simple question, yet many of us still don’t know the answer.
The process of finding God is a unique journey for each of us. It’s intimate, often confusing, and definitely life-changing. There are times when you’ll doubt yourself, your faith, and God. Sometimes, you begin to question everything you know. For most of us, it’s a journey that takes a lifetime.
This is why a lot of people quit halfway. It’s not that they don’t want to pursue God, they just lost interest. They didn’t see the pursuit of God as exciting as before. And it’s not just because they couldn’t find what they were looking for. Most of the time, they just don’t know what they’re looking for anymore. In other words, the search has become pointless.
But what is the point of living if not seeking God? What’s the point in being called “people of God” if we can’t even fight for Him? As Christians, we are all called to know God and introduce him to others. It’s one of his greatest gifts to us – the capacity to look for and discover him.
The Importance of Seeking God
Why do we need to pursue God? What’s in it for us?
As humans, the need for spiritual growth and nourishment comes as naturally as breathing. It’s like there’s a gaping hole inside of us and we spend most of our lives searching for whatever that can fill that emptiness – to be happy.
In this quest for happiness, a lot of us tend to lose ourselves. We get sidetracked and distracted by worldly pursuits. We may find happiness but it rarely ever lasts. It’s just like a bandage or a sticky tape to a broken phone. In short, it’s a temporary fulfillment of that ever-present yearning in our hearts.
But when we set our sights on God and pursue only Him, it leads us to a kind of extraordinary joy that can only come from a deeper understanding of God. This is the kind of everlasting bliss that stays even if you lose all your material possessions.
It’s just like what the apostle Matthew said in his gospel:
But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

What Does It Really Mean to Pursue God?
You may have tried to pursue God before. You attend conferences, read books, and join prayer meetings and bible study groups. Yet, it all came to naught. God still seems to be out of reach and that gaping emptiness is still there. Why is that?
Maybe because you’re misunderstanding God or you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.
You see, pursuing God is not just about searching for him. It’s about transforming ourselves according to his will. To pursue him is to pursue righteousness and become witnesses to his glory. It’s not enough that we seek him. We must be ready to change and follow in his footsteps. This is what it really means to pursue God.
There might be times when it’s easier to just give up and give in to temptations. But remember that pursuing God is a two-way affair. We are so used to God providing us everything we need. He even sent Jesus Christ, his only son, to save us from sins. As a result, we give little thought to how we are reciprocating his love.
Are you just going to give up because he did not give you the outcome you wanted? Are you going to desert him because of a few hardships? If yes, then your pursuit of God is nothing more than lip service. And God deserves so much more than that.
How to Pursue God
If you really want to find God, the first thing you should do is to accept Him. This is where most people fail. They think that to pursue God we must chase after him. No, God is just there waiting to be pursued. He is just waiting for us to make room for him in our lives.
But it’s not enough to accept him. We must be determined and resolute in our search.
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus said this:
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Luke 11:9)
Persistence – This is what this verse is telling us. When you are relentless in your pursuit, it will eventually be given to you. If it gets too overwhelming, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. But don’t let yourself be bogged down by setbacks and earthly desires. God wants us to be persistent in our pursuit of him.
Don’t worry if it’s taking you a long time to find him. It’s what makes the search more exciting. Besides, God didn’t tell us to seek for him if he didn’t want us to find him. Just keep the faith and he will lead you directly to him.
Seek a Deeper Connection with God and Join Lay Cistercians of South Florida
Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.