8 Catholic Saints to Pray For Protection

Published November 16, 2023
For Catholics, saints do not only intercede for our prayers. We call on them for protection, too. Whether it’s from bad weather or the devil, there’s a saint you can turn to when you’re in trouble.
Here are some of the most popular Catholic saints you can pray to for protection:
1. Saint Raymond Nonnatus (Sant Ramon Nonat)
Saint of Protection During Pregnancy
Also known as the patron saint of midwives and childbirth, Saint Raymond Nonnatus is the one you pray to if you have a difficult pregnancy. He was a friar from Catalonia, Spain, who lived between 1204 and 1240.
Now, you might wonder, how does a 13th-century priest become the patron of pregnancy and childbirth?
According to stories about his life, Saint Raymond’s birth can be considered a medical miracle. His mother died while giving birth, and he was only taken out of her womb after her death.
Considering that it’s the 13th century, it’s safe to say that Saint Raymond is a miracle child. Because of this, pregnant women began calling on him for safe childbirth and protection during pregnancy.
He is traditionally portrayed wearing a Mercedarian habit, surrounded by enslaved people, with a padlock on his lips. That’s because, as a Mercedarian, he worked to ransom enslaved Christians in Muslim territories. At one point, his money ran out, so he gave himself up in exchange for the enslaved people.
While in captivity, his lips were pierced with a hot iron and closed with a padlock. This is to prevent him from preaching and converting more people to Christianity. He was eventually ransomed by his order and sent back to Spain, where he died.
Today, he is considered a martyr of the faith, and his feast day is celebrated every 31st of August.
Prayer to Saint Raymond
O Blessed Saint Raymond Nonnatus,
chosen intercessor for those in the shadow of death,
patron of expectant mothers and childbirth,
show compassion to those nearing their end.
Help us understand that life merely changes, not ends.
Comfort us with the promise of future reunion.
Through Christ our Lord,
2. Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint of Protection for Pets and Animals
As the founder of the Franciscan Orders, St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic church. But what many people don’t know is that he is also a huge animal advocate.
Throughout his life, Saint Francis advocated for the welfare of animals. There was even a story of him taming a wolf terrorizing the town of Gubbio in Italy. He is also said to have convinced the entire village to feed it instead of hunting it down.
In his Canticle of the Creatures, St. Francis adored God’s creations. From the sun, moon, water, wind, fire, humans, and animals, St. Francis believes that all creatures are intimately connected in one universal fellowship.
Because of this, Pope John Paul II declared him the patron saint of ecology. During his feast day, people traditionally bring their pets and other animals to church for a blessing.
Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi, lover of all creation,
patron saint of animals and the environment,
you abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity.
Please bless my pets with safety and good health.
Guide me to treat them well and with kindness.
3. Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint of Protection from Evil
Technically, Saint Michael the Archangel is not a saint but an angel. According to the book of Revelation, he is the leader of the Angels who battled with and slain the devil.
Since he is only mentioned a few times in the scriptures, we know very little about him. But Christian tradition tells us that he is responsible for:
- battling Satan
- escorting the faithful to heaven upon their death
- championing the Church and all of Christianity
- bringing men to their heavenly judgment
Because of this, he is traditionally portrayed as a winged warrior slaying the devil with his sword. This portrayal led many people to call on him for protection from the devil.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

4. Saint Catherine of Sweden
Saint of Protection for Unborn Babies
Saint Catherine of Sweden was the daughter of St. Bridgette, the founder of the Bridgettine Order. At 13, she married a young and devoutly religious German nobleman. Soon after their marriage, she convinced her husband to join her in a vow of absolute chastity, and they lived in a state of virginity.
When she was accompanying her mother in Rome, she received news of her husband’s death. After that, she stayed with her mother, and they went on pilgrimages. When her mother died, she returned to Sweden and headed the motherhouse of the Bridgittine Order until her death.
So, how, then, did a saint like her become a protector of unborn babies?
Though she never experienced childbirth or pregnancy, Saint Catherine has counseled many expecting mothers and consoled those who suffered a miscarriage. Because of this, many women turn to her to pray for the protection of their unborn babies.
Prayer to Saint Catherine of Sweden
Dear Saint Catherine,
you know the anxieties and fears that beset those who are expecting a child.
I ask for your intercession for all expectant mothers.
Pray that God may grant them a safe delivery and a healthy child.
And for those who have suffered the loss of a child,
bring them comfort and peace.
5. Saint Joseph the Worker
Saint of Protection for Family
We all know him as the earthly father of Jesus. He is also the man who married the Blessed Mother even after learning she is already with a child.
Though he isn’t mentioned much in the scriptures, we cannot discount his role in the Salvation story. Had he not listened to the angel and abandoned Mary, the Salvation story we know today would probably be very different. Thankfully, he did.
He raised Jesus like his own and even went to great lengths to protect him from King Herod’s men. Because of his courage and love for his family, he is traditionally considered the protector of families.
(Related: 7 Saints Considered to be the Patron of Sailors)
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Worker
Oh, Saint Joseph,
foster father of Jesus,
protector of the Holy Family,
I implore your holy intercession.
Guard my family from all harm and danger,
provide for us in our temporal needs,
comfort us in times of distress
and grant us the grace to persevere in love and faith till the end.
6. Saint George
Patron Saint of Soldiers
Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic Church. He is most famously depicted in art slaying a dragon, symbolizing the victory of good over evil. He is considered the patron saint of soldiers and is often invoked for courage and protection in battle. His life of bravery and faith has inspired many throughout the centuries.
Saint George’s steadfast faith in the face of death and courage in standing up for his beliefs have made him a powerful symbol for soldiers and those facing adversity.
Prayer to Saint George
Saint George, brave and noble patron saint of soldiers,
we ask for your protection and guidance.
Grant us the courage to face our fears,
the strength to carry on in adversity,
and the wisdom to understand that true victory lies not in power
but in love and compassion.
Watch over all soldiers who risk their lives to protect others.
May they find comfort in your presence
and return home safely to their loved ones.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
7. Saint Jude Thaddeus
Patron Saint Of Desperate Cases And Lost Causes
St. Jude is often the last resort for those who feel they have nowhere else to turn. His intercession is powerful and comforting in times of extreme difficulty.
Saint Jude, also known as Thaddeus, is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. His name “Thaddeus” means “amiable” or “loving.” He is sometimes confused with Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, but they are different individuals.
Saint Jude is popularly known as the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes. This reputation probably stems from confusion over his name, as people prayed to him in desperation because they did not want to confuse him with Judas Iscariot and thus prayed to him only as a last resort. Over time, this led to his patronage of hopeless causes.
Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus
Saint Jude Thaddeus,
patron of desperate cases and lost causes,
hear our prayer.
In times of despair and hopelessness,
guide us to the light of God’s love.
Help us find strength in our trials and trust the Lord’s plan.
Stand by us in our darkest hour and lead us to a hopeful path.
In your compassion, intercede for us and bring our pleas to God.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
8. Saint Sebastian
Protection Against Plagues And Epidemics
Sebastian made it his mission to encourage those who were sentenced to die for their faith, strengthening them to face martyrdom. He was highly successful in converting people, which eventually led to his discovery by Emperor Diocletian.
When his Christian faith was discovered, Diocletian, who was known for his persecution of Christians, ordered that Sebastian be shot with arrows. Miraculously, he survived this ordeal with the help of a Christian widow named Irene, who nursed him back to health.
However, instead of fleeing or hiding after his recovery, Sebastian confronted Diocletian, criticizing him for his treatment of Christians. This act of defiance led to his second sentencing, where he was beaten to death and his body thrown in the sewer.
Saint Sebastian is revered for his unwavering faith and courage in the face of death. He is the patron saint of athletes because of his physical endurance, as well as the patron saint of archers and soldiers.
Prayer to Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian,
protector against plagues and epidemics,
we seek your intercession in these challenging times.
Shield us from harm, preserve our health, and fortify our hearts.
Grant us the strength to endure,
the wisdom to prevent illness,
and the courage to aid those in need.
May your protection encompass our homes,
our communities, and the entire world
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
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Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.