St. Joseph: The Patron Saint of Workers and Families

Published September 26, 2023
If there’s one character in the Bible who’s truly underrated, it’s probably Saint Joseph. He is Jesus’s earthly father, but somehow, none of his words were recorded in the scriptures.
There are very few mentions of him in the Bible. And when he is mentioned, it’s mostly in passing.
But without him, the salvation story would have been very different. If not for him stepping up and owning Jesus as his son, God’s plan wouldn’t have come to fruition.
So, in honor of this often-overlooked saint, we’re giving you everything you need to know about Saint Joseph, the patron saint of workers, fathers, and families.
Who is Saint Joseph?
According to the scriptures, Saint Joseph is the earthly father of Jesus. He was a carpenter who hailed from Bethlehem before he married Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and settled in Nazareth.
Since he isn’t often mentioned in the Bible, we don’t know much about his life. Even biblical scholars cannot agree on who his parents were.
In the Gospel of Matthew, he is said to be the son of Jacob (Matthew 1:16). While the Gospel of Luke lists his father as Heli (Luke 3:23). While no mention was made of his mother, both in the Bible and in Christian traditions.
Despite the confusion about his parentage, both evangelists agree that he is of royal lineage. In St. Matthew’s (Matthew 1:1-16) and St. Luke’s (Luke 3:23-38) genealogy of Jesus, St. Joseph is listed as a descendant of David.
Saint Joseph’s Role in the Salvation Story
Despite not knowing much about his life, St. Joseph played a huge role in the Salvation story.
At the time of the Annunciation, St. Joseph was betrothed to Mary. So when Mary told him she was pregnant, it put St. Joseph in a real bind.
He knows that the child is not his since he hasn’t yet touched Mary. But at the same time, he knows that Mary’s life and the unborn child would be in danger if he exposes her pregnancy. At that time, women who bore children out of wedlock were usually stoned to death.
Being the honorable man he is, Joseph decided to break off the engagement secretly. But he changed his mind when an angel came to him in his dream and told him that the child she was carrying was of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20-21). He went on with the marriage and raised Jesus as his own.
His courage and sacrifice made Jesus’ birth possible and set God’s plan for our salvation in motion.
Why courage and sacrifice, you may ask.
Well, not everyone is brave and selfless enough to raise a child that’s not their own. Some men can’t even raise their biological children. But this man, a humble carpenter, stood up to the challenge and, by doing so, gave the world the most precious gift of all: his son, Jesus Christ.
Saint Joseph as a Father
The gospel has very few accounts of Jesus’ childhood. But from what little we know, we can infer that St. Joseph was a great father.
When Jesus was born, three magi came to offer him gifts. While searching for the manger where he was born, they stopped by the palace of King Herod. When they told him that they were searching for the child who would one day become king of the Jews, he was disturbed (Matthew 2:1-3). He ordered the magi to tell him if they ever found him.
But when the magi found the child Jesus in the manger, the angel warned them in a dream not to go back to King Herod. When the king discovered the magi had outwitted him, he was furious.
So he ordered his men to kill every boy aged two and below in Bethlehem. But St. Joseph was warned by an Angel beforehand. He was able to escape to Egypt before the now-famous massacre of innocents. There, they stayed until King Herod died.
This is just one of the few examples of how St. Joseph cared for Jesus like his son. He left everything behind and stayed in a foreign land to keep Jesus safe.
Another incident that showed his love for Jesus was when he got lost in the temple during a Passover festival. According to the scriptures, they looked for him for three days, walking from the temple to their home and back. When they finally found Jesus, his mother told him she and her father (St. Joseph) had been anxiously looking for him.
With this, we can imagine St. Joseph’s relationship with Jesus. Like any parent, he was willing to do anything – even walk for three days – just to look for his son. He was indeed a father worthy of emulation.
Saint Joseph as Patron Saint of Workers and Families
Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers and families for several reasons. Firstly, Saint Joseph was known for his occupation as a carpenter. This represents the dignity of work. He was a hardworking and humble individual who provided for his family by using his skills as a craftsman. This makes him a relatable figure for workers in various professions.
Secondly, Saint Joseph is revered as the foster father of Jesus Christ and the husband of the Virgin Mary. As the head of the Holy Family, he played a crucial role in providing for and protecting them. He was a loving and devoted husband and father, serving as a model for family life.
Additionally, Saint Joseph became a patron because of his unwavering faith and trust in God. Despite his challenges and uncertainties, he remained faithful and obedient to God’s will. He teaches us the importance of trusting in divine providence and seeking God’s guidance daily.
Throughout history, many people have sought Saint Joseph’s intercession. To assist them in their work endeavors and to help strengthen their families. His example reminds us of the value of hard work, dedication, and nurturing strong family bonds.

Prayer to Saint Joseph for Protection
Saint Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family,
I ask for your protection and guidance in my life.
Protect me from all harm and evil,
and help me to walk in the path of righteousness.
Keep watch over my family and loved ones,
guiding us with your fatherly care.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Employment
Saint Joseph, patron saint of workers,
I humbly ask for your intercession as I seek employment.
Guide me in my job search,
open doors of opportunity,
and provide me with the skills
and wisdom needed to excel in my work.
Help me to find fulfillment and purpose in my career.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for a Happy Death
Saint Joseph, faithful servant and protector,
please be with me at the hour of my death.
Intercede for me before the throne of God,
that I may depart this world in peace
and obtain the grace of eternal salvation.
Pray for me, Saint Joseph,
that I may have a happy death
and be welcomed into the arms of our Lord.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Families
Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus,
bless and protect our families.
Strengthen the bonds of love between spouses, parents, and children.
Help us to imitate the Holy Family in our own homes,
fostering unity, respect, and mutual support.
May our families be beacons of faith and love in the world.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Guidance
Saint Joseph, wise and just,
I turn to you for guidance and direction in my life.
Help me to discern God’s will and follow it faithfully.
Give me the courage to make wise choices
and the strength to persevere in times of difficulty.
Saint Joseph, pray for me
and lead me closer to our Heavenly Father.
Seek a Deeper Connection with God and Join Lay Cistercians of South Florida
Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.