What are the Common Examples of Mortal Sins?

Published July 27, 2023
As Catholics, we grow up in the knowledge that committing a sin takes us farther away from God. But in the Catholic tradition, sins can be classified into two types: venial sins and mortal sins.
In this post, we’ll talk about the latter.
What is a Mortal Sin?
In a nutshell, a mortal sin is an act of serious offense that cuts us off from God’s sanctifying grace. Mortal sins, in short, are the gravest of sins and represent a deliberate turning away from God and His commandments.
You see, all of us are born with the original sin. In baptism, we receive God’s sanctifying grace. This not only washes away the original sin but also makes us part of the body of Christ. This grace enables us to live with God and receive his other graces.
But when we commit a mortal sin, it deprives us of God’s sanctifying grace. Meaning, we cease to become part of the body of Christ. Remember that Jesus Christ died for our sins. That’s why committing a grave sin is like taking his sacrifice for granted. It also causes us to lose charity in our hearts and robs us of eternal life with Christ (Romans 6:23).
Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin
As mentioned, mortal and venial sins are two types of sins in the Catholic faith.
Mortal sin is considered a more serious offense than venial sin because it cuts off your relationship with God and must be resolved through confession. While venial sins are minor offenses that can be atoned for without confession.
For instance, breaking a commandment out of ignorance or weakness is considered a venial sin. While deliberately disobeying the will of God through malice or pride is considered a mortal sin.
Both sins can cause spiritual harm and must be repented, but only mortal sins require confession in order to absolve them.
What Makes an Act a Mortal Sin?
For an action to be considered a mortal sin, these three conditions must be present:
1. Grave Matter
One of the conditions that make a sin a mortal one is its graveness. That’s why actions that are inherently immoral, inhumane, and evil are already considered mortal sins.
2. Full Knowledge
To classify an action as a mortal sin, you should have full knowledge about it. If you plan to do something and you already know that it is impure and evil, then it’s considered a mortal sin.
3. Deliberate Consent
If you choose to commit a grave act without someone forcing you, then it’s a mortal sin. Pushing people to sin will only count as a venial sin.

Examples of Mortal Sins
The Catholic church does not really have an exhaustive list of mortal sins. But based on the conditions above, here are some of the most common examples of mortal sins.
1. Worshipping false gods
There’s a reason why the first of the ten commandments states that we shall not have any other Gods aside from the one true God. It’s simply the most important commandment of all. Thus, acts of worshipping false Gods rank high up on the list of mortal sins. This includes:
- Idolatry. Idolizing other Gods is a mortal sin because you are worshiping and putting your faith in a false god. Adoration of a false god is a grave matter and is considered a mortal sin.
- Sacrilege. Heresy is when you dishonor or disrespect something that’s considered sacred and holy, such as burning a cross, defacing Catholic churches, or desecrating any elements of the Eucharist.
- Atheism. Atheism means that you don’t believe in any God, including the one true and living God, which, in itself, is a violation of the first commandment.
2. Taking a life
The sixth commandment states that a person should not kill because taking a life is a very grave matter. That’s why acts like the following are some of the worst examples of mortal sins:
- Abortion. Abortion is killing a baby while it’s still inside the womb. In Catholic doctrine, abortion still counts as murder because a fetus has a life too.
- Euthanasia. Also known as “mercy killing”, euthanasia is still a grave matter and is considered a mortal sin. Regardless of the motive, it’s still an act of murder.
- Suicide. Taking a life, whether other people’s or your own, is a grave offense. Life is life, no matter whose it is.
- Murder/Manslaughter. The fifth commandment literally prohibits this. Thus, you know full well that it’s a sin, and yet you deliberately did it. All these make it one of the gravest of the mortal sins on this list.
3. Marital infidelity
Aside from the sixth commandment, many verses in the Bible have repeatedly emphasized that we should not commit adultery or marital infidelity. It’s inherently immoral. Not to mention that it can tear families apart. Hence, any sexual act you do with someone other than your wife or husband is a mortal sin. Examples of this include:
- Pornography. These days, watching or reading pornographic materials have become more common. But that doesn’t make it less sinful. Pornography, in whatever medium, is a direct violation of the commandment against adultery. Even though there is no physical contact, it still involves lustful thoughts. As Mathew 5:28 says, just looking at someone with lustful intent is already committing adultery in your heart.
- Fornication. Fornication is a sexual interaction between two people who are not bound by matrimony. According to the bible, God prohibits it, and thus can also be considered a mortal sin.
- Prostitution. Prostitution is also a mortal sin unless you’re a victim of sex trafficking. It is when you use your body for sex and ask for money in return. This act defiles your body and dishonors God.
- Rape. Forcing yourself on someone is a grave matter and an act of pure evil. This mortal sin violates the integrity and freedom of the victim and can damage their soul for the rest of their life.
4. Stealing
Stealing is also a mortal sin if the amount stolen is great. If the amount stolen is negligible then it is a venial sin. Taking something that’s not yours is a direct violation of the seventh commandment, making it a grave sin.
- Theft. Even St. Paul wrote in the bible that thieves and swindlers have no place in the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
- Robbery. This form of stealing involves using violence, force, or intimidation to take other people’s belongings. By the very grave nature of this act, it should be no wonder that this is a mortal sin.
5. Deadly sins
The seven deadly sins are considered to be the most serious sins man can commit. As such, they deserve a spot on this list. As per Catholic teachings, the seven deadly sins include:
- pride
- anger
- lust
- envy
- gluttony
- avarice
- sloth
6. Taking advantage of the poor
According to Pope Pius X, oppressing the poor and taking advantage of their plight is one of those sins that cry to God for vengeance. This includes defrauding your workers of their wages. It’s equivalent to stealing, which is another grave offense. These acts are not only sinful in the eyes of God but also of men.
7. Blasphemy
In his writings, St Thomas Aquinas states that “blasphemy or any word or deed that is an insult to God is much more grievous than perjury.” Using the name of the Lord in vain is not only an insult to the holiness of His name but also a violation of the second commandment.
Asking for God’s Forgiveness
Catholic tradition dictates that those who die with mortal sins are doomed to suffer in hell. But the good news is that our God is a very merciful God. Yes, committing a sin cuts you off from God’s grace. But it doesn’t have to stay that way forever. It’s the reason why He sent His only son because He doesn’t want us to be bound in sin forever (John 3:16).
According to the gospel of St. John, if we only confess our sins, he will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). For we all have sinned, but through Christ’s blood, we have been redeemed (Colossians 1:22). If we repent our sins and return to God, He will wash away our sins and lead us to a new and everlasting life (Acts 3:19).
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Lay Cistercians of South Florida, is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism. Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.